When I am aroused...

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My body serpentines like a snake.

Can you imagine my soft, warm skin gliding and pressing onto yours?

When I am totally present with pleasure my headspace expands with bliss. Does yours?

This can happen with the pleasure of touch from platonic to erotic.

Pleasure does not mean sexual.

Pleasure belongs to Itself.

I access pleasure by being toally present with whatever sense I am enjoying.

Presence is intimacy.

Intimacy does not mean sexual.

Presence is intimate, from platonic to erotic. To be present is to make the sensations of THIS MOMENT the most important thing.

All else fades away. There is only this.

Erotic is not the same as sexual.

Sexuality is the primal urge and an experience in it's own right. It is the pilot light to fuel my presence and touch into the boundless, transcendent essence of our erotic nature.

From here is where I live.

From here is where I love.

This is the place I invite you to experience and explore. It's ours by the very nature of our existence.

Lest you think all I do is roll around naked, I do enjoy all things Nature. I love learning and experiencing. I love connecting and sharing. I love subsuming all of life's perceived problems into radical self-love, self-acceptance and the flow of the present moment.

I can be normal, too.


Try me.